We all have our own livelihoods and careers, and our firm recognizes that the disruption of one’s source of income can have lasting debilitating effects on one’s life. As an employee or a union of workers, we will assist you in protecting your worker’s rights. In the case of unfair termination of employment, unpaid wages, sexual harassment, adverse or exploitative working conditions and contracts, illegal union busting, and other pressing issues of employment relations, we will do our due diligence to ensure that these will be firmly rectified or compensated.
As an employer, we will assist and advise you on making sure your business complies with legal requirements for documentation regarding your workforce and workplace. We also offer services in drafting collective bargaining agreements (CBA) with your workers’ union, as well as negotiating fair and cordial terms for CBAs and advising you in labor disputes that may arise from such. By putting your trust in us, we will take great efforts to ensure that your business can operate without being marred by interruption from labor disputes.